Ana Forrest, the legend, wisdom, strength and spirit of Forrest Yoga, created this
mind-blowing yoga practice as a result of her own personal and remarkable story.
Forrest yoga is a dynamic practice built on the pillars of
Breath, Strength, Integrity and Spirit.
Nurtures and connects you in feeling to your body, reigniting your passion for play, for living…good medicine for your body, your soul. Heals.
Inner. Outer. Connecting to your core, helping to process stuck emotions, heal injuries, get stronger.
Truth to be. Honesty to feel, on the mat, off the mat. Acknowledging where your body is, where your mind is without trying to force yourself anywhere you’re not ready to go, but not avoiding where you need to be.
'The courage to be you. Trusting your instinct, your intuition…
’the truth is way more fascinating than your won fantasies…’ Ana Forrest
Meet Symi, handstands, sunshine, music, Newfies, writing, art, laughing, naps, eating ice-cream at midnight, wildness, moors, mountains & rivers, trees and butterflies, moss, graffiti, wisdom, teaching, rocks, rain, wrinkles, raspberries, having breakfast in bed, maps, cloud-watching, connections, listening to stories passed down through generations, showing up, kindness, old-fashioned hand-written letters, simple, honest, inspiring,
and YOU!
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